免费1970-12-05空中怪客Brewster is an owlish, intellectual boy who lives in a fallout shelter of the Houston Astrodome. He has a dream: to take flight within the confines of the stadium. Brewster tells those he trusts of his dream, but displays a unique way of treating others who do not fit within his plans. When the fateful day arrives, and he enters the dome with his fanciful construction of bird wings, Brewster is surrounded by the police. Will he be caught before he attempts to fly? Written by Rick Gregory
免费1929-06-06一条叫安达鲁的狗故事分两段,第一段开头,一个忧郁的男青年(路易斯·布努埃尔 Luis Bunuel 饰)坐在月光下,磨着剃刀,他抽着烟,等着年轻女孩出现。男青年拿着剃刀抚弄年轻女孩的脸,用剃刀割开了她的眼球,同时乌云划过了月亮。第二段的时间设定在8年之后,马路上出现了一个骑着自行车穿着类似女装斗篷的男青年,他晕倒在一个女人的楼下,女人下楼来拿走了他手中的盒子,男人再也没有醒来。回到屋内后女人坐着沉思,另一个男人来敲门,手心布满了蚂蚁,当男人和女人在研究蚂蚁的时候,楼下一个穿着男装的女人正在拨弄一支断手,引起了路人的围观。随后女人的乳房、南瓜、修道士、钢琴、衣衫褴褛的男女纷纷出现在画面中,富有象征意义的梦境被一一展现。