VIP2013-03-27波西·杰克逊与魔兽之海 The son of Poseidon and his friends head into the Sea of Monsters to find the mythical Golden Fleece.
免费2013-05-07超人:挣脱束缚《超人:挣脱束缚》大都会平凡的一天,超人(马修·波莫 Matt Bomer 配音)以超凡的实力再次营救露易丝·莱恩小姐(斯坦娜·卡蒂克 Stana Katic 配音),当然他和叛逆的小表妹女超人卡拉(莫莉·奎恩 Molly C. Quinn 配音)以及露易丝之间的关系和烦恼同其他人相比没有任何差别。正在此时,不明物体坠入大气层。超人出面阻拦,却发现来者竟是一个凶恶的机器人。他轻松击败对手,似乎对这样的敌人不以为意,但卡拉心底的悲伤回忆...
VIP2013-01-01无数的圣诞老人A thousand years ago the world completely collapsed. War, famine, and greed killed off the human race. Not much remains except for the mutants, scum, and robo-people. Humanity is a long-lost notion. Everyone must kill to survive. Even Santa.