VIP2010-01-01血祭Chased out of the old world, the dark vampire lord Giovanni flees to the American southwest where he sets up a new brood. Longshank, Brittan's premier vampire slayer follows him here, and in a final confrontation in the Arizona desert both are killed. A hundred years later Melissa, a gorgeous, goth, lesbian college student, is obsessed with becoming a vampire and escaping her terrible home life. Along with her four friends, Ted, Liz, Mona, and Kent, she regularly conducts ceremonies where she tries to commune with dark forces. When she buys an old, evil book at a creepy garage sale she finally has the key she has been searching for. Following her dreams of Giovanni and a map in the book the five friends hike out to "Massacre Lane" and finally summon up some real vampires.
免费2010-12-22大地惊雷因父亲被害,14岁的玛蒂·罗斯(海莉·斯坦菲尔德 Hailee Steinfeld 饰)抵达案发地史密斯堡,作为长女代表家人处理后事。杀死父亲的凶手汤姆·切尼已不知去向,在这枯燥又忙碌的西部小镇上,没人关心杀死异乡人的逃犯何时落网。玛蒂决定自己雇佣警察为父亲报仇,经人介绍,她选择与醉醺醺的警长罗斯特·考波恩(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)合作,同时,一名来自德克萨斯的骑警拉博夫(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)亦希望抓获汤姆·切尼,好在德州获得高额悬赏,为了让切尼在本地被正法,玛蒂必须在拉博夫之前抓到杀父仇人。成熟而坚强的玛蒂与罗斯特踏入了保留地,在那里有众多不法之徒,以及暂时逍遥法外的仇人……