免费2010-01-01白狮根据传说,白狮是神的使者。当白狮子进入该山谷,一个年轻的人发现自己要不惜一切代价来保护白狮子。(文/moviereleased)According to the legend of the Shangaan, white lions are the messengers of the gods, but it has been years since one has been seen in their remote African valley. When a white lion is miraculously born into that valley, a young Shangaan named Gisani, finds himself destined to protect this rare and magnificent creature at all costs...
免费2005-01-01无医可靠讲述一个酗酒的穷阿伯,由早上开始头痛心口痛, 多次call救护车,却遇上这天发生大车祸,医院应接不暇,搬出种种藉口拒收。好心的救护员陪着他走遍四家医院,眼看他病情每况愈下,却苦无力相救。上救护车,送院,做检查,转院(转了接近四间)到最后入了手术室。有点像新闻透视式的描述,拍得写实容易被忽略的一部佳作,首先貌不惊人,第二有点长(153分钟),题材很平凡,节奏不慌不忙,但是非常精彩。相信每个生活在城市中、每个跟医疗制度拉上乾系的人看完都会有共鸣,因为讲的是一个人需要急救进医院,却因各种各样的理由被置之门外。丰富的细节令影片异常有分量。这样的影片在商业片世界上非常难见全世界的急症室是否会有同样情况发生?片中无一坏人,每人都努力应付眼前的工作,但最后结局却叫人唏嘘。影片获去年康城影展某种观点大奖(Prix Un Certain Regard)。
免费1951-01-01夏日插曲Bergman's first mature film is a poetic evocation of memory and loss. A young ballerina falls in love and they spend an idyllic summer together on an island. Their affair comes to a sudden and tragic end but its legacy remains in Marie's life. Maj-Britt Nilsson as the ballerina is utterly beguiling, her eyes alive with the freshness of young love.