免费2010-01-01初恋这件小事初中生小水相貌平平,家境一般,所以在学校里并不受重视。但是她心地善良,又有一群死党,日子过得倒也开心。某天,她遇见了帅气的学长阿亮(马里奥•毛瑞尔 Mario Maurer 饰),春心萌动,无法遏制。她喜欢看他踢足球,看他拍照,如痴如狂。上英语课时,她不停地给死党传纸条表达对阿亮的爱慕。然而,英语老师则指出她除了英语一无是处。回到家,叔叔从美国捎来了父亲的消息,说如果她能考全校第一,就可以去美国。于是,她按下决心要努力加油。某天,小水等人在买饮料时,碰到篮球队员蛮横插队。阿亮挺身而出,为她们教训了对方,并挨了校长的责骂。小水也第一次听说,阿亮的父亲因为射失点球而退役的事情,理解了他心中的隐痛。由于舞蹈队是给美女准备的,所以小水等一干姐妹准备在话剧社大展身手,没想到学长也来到这个社团。两人还扮演王子公主,他们的恋情会由此展开么?……
免费2009-01-01恋爱相对论Through a mix-up both Note and Joe has a joint medical examination. Because of this Joe establishes a bond with the more hesitant Note. Note's problem is a rare disorder that gives him partially amnesia until he figures who he really loves
VIP2006-01-01高校最后的军事教练Khao Chon Kai is a military training camp where Thai boys will face the challenge of the training during their senior year of high school. A group of boys meet at the camp and begin their training together, encountering many obstacles during the rigorous training regimines. Despite the hardships, they discover that friendship and true friends are the most precious things they've found in Khao Chon Kai.