VIP2010-01-05五路追杀令2:刺客舞会为FBI工作了一辈子的沃特·韦德(汤姆·贝伦杰 Tom Berenger 饰)眼下突然面对死亡威胁,暗杀组织在网络中放出消息,用300万美元在今夜索他的性命。一生只是一个中层情报分析员的沃特如何会得到这种“关注”,令前来保护他的众多探员百思不得其解,但眼下的首要任务是保证沃特在今夜不出意外。沃特被安置在芝加哥的地下避难所,众多探员围绕保全。另一方面,高额悬赏也吸引了众多职业杀手的注意,从冷血的蛇蝎拉丁美女、易容杀手,到父子齐上阵的纳粹狂人一家、AK47女郎一起将目标锁定之。FBI发现暗杀任务的幕后操控者是一个名为“真爱国者”的反美组织,而这个组织的真相,包括他们暗杀沃特的真实目的,将在今夜血肉横飞的战斗后揭晓……
VIP2015-01-29小狗当家Two dogs in love, a spaniel called Yoko, and Pirate, a mongrel, are placed in a pet hotel on New Year´s eve as their owners go away on vacation. Feeling insulted, the two dogs escape and return to their home, where they can enjoy eating, playing and sleeping in their owners´ bed. But the lovers’ paradise is brutally interrupted when two burglars break in...