免费2012-01-01替罪羊强尼(马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys 饰)是富家公子,约翰(马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys 饰)则是一个刚刚事业的教书匠,某日,身份和地位悬殊的两人于一间酒吧中相遇,令他们感到震惊的是,他们的相貌竟然一模一样。强尼热情的请约翰喝酒,约翰不胜酒力不省人事,当他醒来时,发现自己躺在豪华旅馆的床榻上,而强尼和自己的行李一起不知所踪。就这样,约翰代替强尼成为了大庄园的主人,亦见识到了贵族们埋藏在纸醉金迷华丽表象之下贪婪堕落的生活。善良天真的约翰决定善待周围的每一个人,从自己做起,逐渐改变整个庄园,仅仅凭借他微薄的力量,约翰最终能够成功吗?
免费2012-09-14终点之城28-year-old Kansas University doctoral student Omar Razaghi, has won a grant to write a biography of Latin American writer Jules Gund. Omar must get through to three people who were close to Gund - his brother, widow, and younger mistress - so he can get authorization to write the biography.