免费2014-10-21宙斯之子:赫拉克勒斯根据史蒂夫·摩尔同名漫画改编。赫拉克勒斯(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)是天神宙斯与底比斯王后所生的儿子。半人半神的他,自幼在凡尘中成长,饱受人世间的各种磨难。在误杀家人并完成十二件赎罪苦差之后,身心疲惫的他背弃诸神,以血腥残酷的战争麻醉自己。六名与他有相似经历的战友,全视战争及死亡为乐事。他们从不问为何征战,亦不会问要杀的是什么人;只在乎有多少奖金。这群悍将,受色雷斯国王邀请,要为他训练出史上最强的军队,与另一暴君作战。在重赏之下,他们欣然受命;但透过训练新军,他们终觉悟到自己罪孽深重,因此决定踏上充满荆棘的救赎之路……
免费2014-01-25拯救大明星小精灵伯纳德(马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman 配音)是一位身份卑微的粪便清理员,做事神经大条,囧态嗅事不断,而他的梦想是成为大发明家。在今年的圣诞科技大赛上,他又搞砸了实验。恰巧正是这次小小的实验意外给精灵城引来了危机。大反派班尼(蒂姆·克里 Tim Curry 配音)侵袭精灵城,所有人都面临灭顶之灾。伯纳德在重重险境中误打误撞,却惊喜不断,发现自己是唯一可以拯救这场灾难的人,在甜心女特工雪妮(阿什丽·提斯代尔 Ashley Tisdale 配音)的鼓励下,他鼓起勇气誓要挽救一切……
VIP2014-01-01黑帮追缉令Inspired by real events, BAD COUNTRY is a gritty Louisiana set crime drama. Detective Bud Carter"s investigations lead to the arrest of Jesse Weiland, a contract killer from a criminal syndicate. Weiland, facing life in prison and losing his family, puts his trust in Carter and becomes an informant. The case attracts the FBI, who in turn, wrestles control from Carter. When a sting goes bad, the syndicate boss, Lutin Adams uses crooked politicians and lawyers to identify Weiland as the "rat." His family is executed, setting Weiland on a path of revenge executing targets on a manhunt for Lutin. Carter takes control, pursuing the syndicate to the French Quarter. The climax explodes as Carter, Weiland and Lutin are caught in a triangular crossfire.