免费2012-09-14罪恶天使1st full-length feature by the self-described Christian-atheist, it was made in occupied France after Bresson had done a year in a prison camp.There's nothing ostentatious i his style. It's sparse, no flashy camera-acrobatics or editing tricks. I always feel the best directors are those whose work you hardly notice.The story is set in a convent, Sisters of Bethany, it's purpose is to help women in prison rehabilitate. In it we find Anne-Marie, a somewhat proud & middle-class woman who comes to logger-heads w/Mother Superior & this leads to problems. Along the way she connects w/one of the more recalcitrant prisoners & recognizes her pain & need to be reached out to. Upon release the prisoner returns to join the convent under suspicious circumstances.What we have is a contrast in characters who come to the convent for different reasons & an exploration into spiritual matters. Well worth watching...
免费2012-01-01超凡蜘蛛侠童年的一起突发事件,令彼得·帕克(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)和父母生离死别。转眼彼得成为一名高中生,他偶然发现父亲的公文包,并从叔父本(马丁·辛 Martin Sheen 饰)处得到线索,于是启程前往奥斯库公司拜访父亲当年的合作伙伴——科特·康纳斯博士(瑞斯·伊凡斯 Rhys Ifans 饰)。在公司内四处寻找线索的彼得意外被蜘蛛咬了一口,回程途中他的身体发生奇异的变化。在康纳斯博士德引导下,彼得不断了解并发掘体内着超乎寻常的能力,喜怒哀乐,各种意想不到的事情迅速向他袭来。直到某日,他便成了影响深远的超级战士蜘蛛侠。 而城市内也出现了凶恶的蜥蜴人,彼得不平凡的人生就此展开……