免费2008-02-29誓约Some years ago, while conducting an English language workshop on a hot, dreary afternoon for a large group of students in Singapore, I suddenly felt sorry for them, and decided to tell them a story. It was a romantic love story calculated to make any sixteen-year-old sit up and listen with full attention. I told them about a young Singaporean girl who unexpectedly meets her dream man on a special day - 29 February 1988 - when a quaint old Leap Year custom allows women to make the first move in a romantic encounter. Our heroine does precisely that. Hereafter she and the dream man, both exceptionally attractive and brimming with life's hopes and dreams, are caught in a dizzying spin of events that Fate seems to like visiting upon young lovers. "You will come together at last. But not yet, not yet," says Fate mischievously.The lovers meet every 29 February over 12 years, in breathless negotiations of the many pitfalls along the path of true love which has never run smooth anyway, before their hopes are finally fulfilled in a spectacular millennial culmination worthy of love's loftiest dreams.
免费2008-10-31饥饿北爱共和军领导人鲍比•桑兹(迈克尔•法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)因为领导反对当局的游行而被捕。在梅兹监狱中,他依然没有放弃斗争。监狱里都是六平方米的封闭牢房,这里关押着北爱共和军的囚犯,他们赤身裸体拒绝穿囚衣,以此对抗撒切尔夫人剥夺囚犯权利的法令。他们用污浊的食物和排泄物掩盖着变形门下的沟渠,以此传递消息。通过一台蒙混过关的收音机,囚犯们得以及时了解共和军与英国政府斗争的消息。最后,在桑兹决定以绝食抗争的时候,他与神父多米尼克•莫朗(利亚姆•坎宁安 Liam Cunningham 饰)有过一场精彩的辩论,然而结果却于事无补……本片获得第61届戛纳电影节金摄影机奖。
免费2008-01-01最后一周本•泰勒(乔舒亚•杰克逊 Joshua Jackson 饰)被告知身患癌症,即使治疗存活率也只有10%。心灰意冷的本买了辆摩托车,暂缓与未婚妻萨曼萨(莲妮•芭拉班 Liane Balaban 饰)的婚礼,瞒着父母独自一人踏上了西行之路,立志遍游途中的加拿大平原小镇,与所有巨大的地标合影,直到不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华岛,并寻找儿时的“格朗普斯奇兽”。旅途过程中,本遇到形形色色的人,并开始思考自己的人生与理想,包括未竟的作家梦。在中部的班夫国家公园,心急如焚的萨曼萨终于飞来请求本返回多伦多进行治疗,却发现二人的感情也出了问题。固执的本继续西行,直到终于发现旅行的意义。